2017/06/19   Former Divas Champions on when the Women’s Revolution real...

Former Divas Champions Eve Torres, Maryse and Kelly Kelly reunite to discuss their careers and lives after WWE on an all-new Table for 3: Courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network.


WWE Network

  2017/02/14   Kelly Kelly visits Raw: Raw Fallout, Feb. 13, 2017

Former Divas Champion and “WAGS” star Kelly Kelly goes backstage at Raw for the first time in four years, and discusses her marriage, the Women’s Revolution in WWE and her participation in this year’s WrestleMania Axxess in Orlando


Screen Captures

  2016/08/10   WAGS Recap: Episode 6 “A WAG Wedding”



On this episode of WAGS it was Barbie’s and Sheldon’s big day, Barbie was finally getting married. Barbie, Natalie and Olivia were seen at a Candy store, as Barbie was getting the last minute things for the wedding ready, she wanted to give everyone something when they showed up as Olivia bought a box a surprise balls. Barbie and Sheldon had showed up to the hotel in Cabo, with a surprise roses and two swans made out of towels, Barbie told him how romantic it was and that it was so cute, as she looked outside and noticed there were more rose petals and the two swans, Barbie was excited about her big day, and couldn’t wait. Barbie then had her rehersal dinner with the girls and friends as she cheered to everyone and enjoyed the night, once the dinner was done, her, Natalie and Olivia were in her hotel room were they saw the note from Sheldon, as Barbie read it out to the girls Olivia started to cry and Barbie laughed and hugged her. It was finally the big day, Barbie was getting married, as she was getting ready with her bridesmaids which were Maryse, her sister Mary, her maid of honor Corey and her other brides maid. Sheldon had yelled up asking if he could get his tux, she told everyone that she needed to hide her dress, and hide herself as she yelled down to him saying he could come up, she asked him if he was excited about the wedding and continued to get ready. Barbie had troubles getting into her limo but with the help of Maryse and her girls, she got in as Maryse told her that you would think with WWE that it would be easy for her to get in the car. Barbie later then showed up to the ulter and walked down the ile with her dad meeting Sheldon there as he told Barbie how beautiful she was, Barbie couldn’t help but cry at her vows to Sheldon as he whiped away her tears, it would later show the interview with Oliva as she was crying and saying how happy she was for Barbie. Later in the night Natalie had told Sophia to go tell Olivia what she’s been doing and talking to Mercadies, as she told Olivia, they started to fight, Barbie would look over at there with a mad look.

  2016/08/02   Wags Recap-Season #2 Episode #5 “Cheat Sheet”



Sasha was coming out with a new music video for her song “Go Hard” on tonight’s episode of WAGs and it seems that a few people have bit of a problem with song title.

Sasha had come up with the title because she wanted it to be about strong women that were excelling in their fields so she had wanted the whole video to portray female empowerment and had even asked her friends if they would be it. However, the title itself was giving some of her friends some qualms and not everyone was excited to be in a video called “Go Hard”. Nicole for one had thought it was too much so she had politely tried to find a way out of being involved with something like that yet Barbie on the other hand, hadn’t let the song title get in the way of being in the video because she truly wanted to support Sasha. Even if her fiancée had needed some clarifications about what the music video be about because something called “Go Hard” had thrown him too.

Barbie though was trying to be there for all of her friends and that’s also why she didn’t want Autumn to be at her wedding. Barbie had said that recently she had grown closer to Natalie and Olivia so the reason she didn’t want to invite Autumn to her wedding was because she didn’t want Autumn to cause any drama with some of the other girls. Which has generally been the case whenever Autumn was with them in a group setting. Yet, Barbie hadn’t exactly come right out to tell Autumn that she wasn’t invited to the wedding. So Autumn had to guess for herself when her wedding invitation never came and not that surprisingly that had hurt Autumn’s feelings. Autumn had felt that Barbie was essentially picking a side by not inviting her and that had hurt because she thought she was a lot closer to Barbie for something like that to happen.

Though the only reason Barbie hadn’t come right out to say anything was because she was too chicken. Barbie hadn’t wanted to tell Autumn that these last eight months they’ve been drifting part or that she had partially blamed Autumn for some of things that have happened in the past. So she just chose not to send an invite because she thought that was easier than risking a confrontation, but funnily enough, Barbie eventually had another thing to worry about because she thought Larry was going to steal her thunder on her wedding day. Barbie and Nicole had apparently been talking about Nicole’s boyfriend when the other womenmentioned that she thinks Larry was going to propose to her soon. And that might even propose to her right after the wedding because he was seemingly getting his ducks in a row.

So that had sacred Barbie because she didn’t want someone to get engaged on her wedding day. It was her wedding day after all and to be fair it was more for her than it was for Sheldon so Barbie didn’t want someone to make her day all about themselves. But while Barbie was freaking out about the possibility of Larry proposing, unfortunately, another problem cropped up and she again found herself in the middle of it. Barbie, Nicole, and Sophia had all gone out together seeing as Olivia and Natalie were in New York for Fashion Week so both Barbie and Nicole had been surprised to find out that Sophia had also invited her sister’s boyfriend to join them. And they had felt that it would be best to tell Olivia about it just in case if it wasn’t ok.

And it wasn’t. Olivia and Natalie had been invited to New York Fashion Week by Tia who they felt was extending an olive branch. So the girls were actually enjoying themselves and were even getting along with Tia when Olivia got the text. She had been texted a picture of her boyfriend with his arm around her sister and had simply wanted to know a few things. Like why was her sister and boyfriend hanging out without her? Why didn’t her sister call her first? And since when did Sophia started hanging out with Marcedes? Her sister however, was not prepared to answer any of those questions because she didn’t think she had anything to explain and so Sophia instead chose to get defensive.

After Olivia and Natalie had come back from New York, Olivia and also Natalie had tried to ask Sophia about hanging out with Marcedes and Sophia hadn’t given them an actual answer. Sophia had said that she invited Marcedes because they had been snap chatting and she had thought that they could simply meet up. However, Sophia hadn’t seen what the big deal was and had gotten angry by what she felt was her sister’s accusing tone. So Sophia had said that if her sister was willing to think that bad of her then she doesn’t have to be around and then she promptly stormed out of the apartment.

Yet, Olivia hadn’t known that her sister and boyfriend were hanging out or talking to each on SnapChat. So she had gotten upset about that and had needed some time away from Marcedes before she could talk to him. Marcedes though hadn’t known that there was a problem so it had surprised him when Olivia began asking him about his relationship with his sister because he also hadn’t thought that would be a big deal so he had to be very clear with Olivia when he said that he thought of Sophia as her sister. He didn’t see Sophia as anything other than his girlfriend’s sister and so he had assured Olivia in way by telling her he wouldn’t cross that line.

Which was good! Although, Olivia had managed to later work up both Nicole and Barbie so that resulted in an unpleasant conversation where Nicole had to all but guarantee she wouldn’t get engaged on her friend’s wedding day or their friendship was going to be over. So it had been fortunate that both women were such good friends because they had been able to quash that argument and simply move on yet trouble was stirred tonight and unfortunately there will be even more problems next week. Just as Barbie is getting married and after she had literally asked everyone to allow her to merely have her day in Mexico.

So it looks like it didn’t matter that Autumn wasn’t invited while everyone else including Sasha was because next week’s preview did look as if more than one relationship was going to end!

  2016/07/02   WWE in Japan – Then and Now



WWE has enjoyed a long and storied history in the Land of the Rising Sun. As WWE Live returns to the Far East this July, check out exclusive photos from the company’s past visits to Japan.

  2016/06/28   WAGS Recap – Season 2 Episode 1 – Wags Collide


Episode Stills / Screen Captures

On this season of WAGS it gets a little heated, Barbie is in the works of planning for her wedding, while the other girls are fighting.

At the beginning of this episode Sasha had told Nicole that she wanted to throw Barbie a bridle shower, Nicole told her it was a good idea and she should, Sasha later met up with Barbie explaining how she felt bad that she missed her bachelorette party, and that she wanted to throw her a Bridle Shower, Barbie thought it was a good idea and wanted to invite Nicole, Sophia, Olivia and Natalie, even with everything that has already been going on between the girls and Sasha, Sasha agreed and asked Barbie if she was inviting Autumn, Barbie told Sasha that if she wanted to come she would love for her to come.

Natalie, Olivia, Sophia, Barbie and Nicole were all in the car wondering what this really was that Sasha was putting together as they all joked in the car that Barbie already had her Bachelorette party so it was just a bridle shower.

The girls had arrived to the house that Sasha had gotten for them as Barbie went over and hugged her saying it was amazing, the girls would later meet up for dinner and discuss the tension that was between Sasha, Olivia and Natalie. Sophia hit her with ever word as Sasha fired back and telling them that she doesn’t want to sound like she perfect.

Near the end of the episode we met Tia, the girls were all gathered with Autumn as Sophia introduced herself to Autumn and mentioned about the fact she called Natalie’s relationship fake, Barbie would later get up and leave because she found it ridiculous that Sophia felt like now was the time to hash stuff out with Autumn.

  2016/05/23   The “WAGS” Are Back June 26 on E!


The wives and girlfriends of sports stars have three rules that must be followed. See the drama unfold on “WAGS” season 2, June 26 at 10|9c on E!


Promos And Commercials 

  2016/05/06   WAGS Season 2 Premieres June 26


The wives and girlfriends of professional athletes are back for a second season! See the drama unfold Sunday, June 26 10|9c!


Promos & Commercials 

  2016/04/01   NBCUniversal Portraits



Here are some photos from the NBCUniversal Summer Press Portraits, check out the gallery for more!

  2016/04/01   NBCUniversal Summer Press Day


Appearances & Events

Barbie, Sasha and the new cast member Tia were at the NBCUniversal Summer Press Day today ! More photos in our gallery!