2014/06/11   WWE Kelly Kelly Barbie Blank Talks Video Games

  2014/03/12   3 New Instagram Videos

Barbie’s friend Lauren McCoy has shared 3 videos of Barbie during her boxing lessons. You can watch the videos bellow.

Lauren has also confirmed that Barbie only has 1 REAL INSTAGRAM account under the handle @realbarbarablank (the account is private).

  2014/01/05   Angel Investors Movie Trailer/Short Promo

Today we getted a new promo/trailer for Angel Investors incluiding Barbie (of course). You can watch the 8 minutes promo bellow.


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Screen Captures > Online Videos > Angel Investors Short Promo

  2013/11/23   Kelly Kelly Looks Stunning On The Beach In Miami

SPLASH NEWS shared 5 days ago a video of Barbie with her sister Mary enjoying of a day off in a beach of Miami.

You can watch the video here

Kelly Kelly Looks Stunning On The Beach In Miami por splashnews

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  2013/08/26   New YouTube Video From Barbie

Barbie blank personalized signed 8x10s.flv_000000100 Barbie blank personalized signed 8x10s.flv_000079367 Barbie blank personalized signed 8x10s.flv_000134733 

Barbie shared yesterday a new video to her youtube account of herself signing the 8×10’s customized pictures that her fans pre ordered on her website store. Check the video right here and the screencaptures in our gallery.

Related Links


  2012/12/26   In Video: Barbie attending “Frank and Sons Show”

We can show you this video courtesy to toddautographarena . Enjoy it

  2012/09/20   Brianna & Nicole (The Bella Twins) Thoughts on Kelly Kelly

Thanks to Daniel from, Kelly Kelly’s official fansite barbara-blank.net for posting this interview of Brianna & Nicole A.K.A Former WWE Divas The Bella Twins, where they talk about Kelly Kelly and have some very nice and sweet things to say about our girl.  You can purchase the interview HERE! And below is what the girls had to say about Kelly.

Interviewer: Any other good stories from Florida? Any that stick out?
Nicole: I dunno, there was alot of good times. We had alot of fun too with Kelly Kelly, that’s when we became really close with her, cause she’d come in and train every now and then when she was off the road. I’m trying to think, no stories really stick out.

Interviewer – She was already on the road then?
Nicole: Yeah, she was already on the road so on her days off, cause she lived in Tampa, she’d come in and train with us, then we’d all go out and have fun and we became really close.

Interviewer – Did you know Martin when he was alive?
Nicole: Yeah, he was awesome. He was super sweet, he was nice. He let us borrow his surburban and have Barbie take us around, he was just he was awesome.

Interviewer – What’s Kelly like outside the ring?
Bri: Well thats her.. P
Nicole: My PIC, my bestie. Um, I mean i’m gonna say she’s amazing, she’s one of my best friends and we honestly like she became a sister, like we travelled besically my whole time together exepct when she switched to Smackdown for a little bit which was hard we both were like crying, it was so sad. But other than that, she’s seriously like a sister like we both were comfortable with each other so quick, we can tell each other all our secrets, we can lay in bed and laugh about a show and seriously then lay in bed and not talk about anything.
Bri: Yeah.
Nicole: It was just really nice to always have her around, she’s a very happy girl.
Bri: Barbie’s the best too, she has a nickname for everybody. And it was amazing like she just come in and like, she called me RiRi, she’d be like RiRi and i’d be like yay, i have a nickname. But everybody like, you’d just hear these little nicknames everywhere and that was Barbie she’s just so sweet with everyone and so cute. Like a your little puppy you take everywhere.
Nicole: Yeah, she is.

Interviewer: You guys started with another angle on NXT with Kelly Kelly & Naomi her rookie, for Nikki to turn heel again. What are your memories on that?
Nicole: Yeah that was mainly me going heel first. I loved it, I always loved working with Barbie and so, that was fun for me. It was nice because she was who i started working with first as a heel so it was very comfortable for me. cause i knew Barbie was here for me and she’s such an amazing babyface to me she’s one of the best.
Bri: She is.
Nicole: She will sell her heart out for you and I appreciated that.

Interviewer: Beth Pheonix, you actually worked with her and Kelly Kelly in a tag match, memories of those matches?
Nicole: Actually, probably some of our best tag matches. Espicially live events, Beth another person who was so easy to work, you could literally go out in the ring and she would tell you the whole match and she was amazing to work in the ring but it was kinda cool cause you had Barbie who’s a girly girl and then you have Beth Phoenix who’s like the strong girl, it was like so cute to have them in a tag match together. Yeah, those are some of my favorite matches.
Bri Yeah it was alot of fun working with them, probably my favorite.

Interviewer: Who’d you guys travel with, besides each other?
Nicole For a long time it was Bri and I, Barbie and Eve, that was like we had our Diva Car pool.
Bri Diva mini van.
Nicole: Yeah mini van and we did that for a while then it in the end it was just us two and Barbie. But all the time it was us two and Barbie and then it was Eve for a while.